Blair Updike - Painting Exhibit


The Lake Wales Arts Council is proud to host Blair Updike and her incredible paintings for our 3rd installment of the 2019-2020 Exhibit Series. The exhibit reception will take place at the Michael Crews Gallery on February 13th, 2020 from 6 PM - 7:30 PM. There will be an open bar and food available to all of our guests. Admission is free to the public. Blair’s paintings will be available for purchase throughout the duration of this exhibit. Artwork purchased during the exhibit will be available to take home after the exhibit concludes.

Blair Updike embodies contrasts. Her portraits portray the interesting stories and personalities of subjects who are frequently off-beat and non-conformist characters. Blair has the aspect of an innocent Danish schoolgirl but she’s the one who’s more likely to ask “why,” rather than “how.” Her personality blends tradition with rebellion and she can be alternately bashful and feisty. She admires genuineness and dislikes pretension. Though formally trained, Blair’s been painting professionally less than five years. She idolizes portrait artist David Leffel called the “modern Rembrandt” with whom she was recently privileged to study.